Star Trek Online Review

This game was released in 2010 however is still being developed today and whilst the graphics are not out of this world there is a lot of content and the gameplay / story is interesting. You start off by choosing your faction whether it be Startfleet, Klingon, Romulan or Dominion. From here you have to create your character which ultimately becomes the Captain of your starship. The tutorial system is good enough to get your to learn the basics and before you know it you’ll be flying around the Beta quadrant taking on other starships and uncovering conspiracy plots against your faction and fighting the Borq. It also contains voice acting from original Star Trek series actors so if you are a fan of Star Trek you will enjoy the narrative and immersion the game offers.

Starfleet Space Combat

I recently starting playing this game and so far am enjoying the story and flying around in my ship although there are many aspects of the game which I have yet to try out such as trading, crafting items and there is some kind of crew assignment system which I haven’t touched. I originally started playing as s Starfleet officer and made made way through quite a bit of the game taking on a mirror universe version of Starfleet with Admiral Janeway from the Voyager TV series which has been a good experience so far. However with other factions available and ships with cloaking capabilities I had to give the others a go. I picked the Klingons where you are given the option to choose from other species that form part of the Klingon Empire.

These are mainly presets where you then have the option to customise the character and there are a lot of options to adjust. The Alien species have many different styles and the adjustments you can make will leave you creating a very unique character within the design restrictions of the face type you choose.

What you see above is for the Klingon faction only so there are way more choices when it comes to the other species such as humans, Vulcans, Romulans, Dominion inlcuding clothing available to purchase but for a starting point this is quite a lot to go through and obviously customised characters will allow you to create something more to your liking.

The factions

Klingon Story Cut Scene

Ground Combat

As with any game Star Trek Online requires the player to invest time to progress your character and unlock new roles / upgrades for a stronger ship and crew so that you can take on the higher levels and compete in the PvP and PvE elements of the game. If you like what you have seen give the game a go by downloading the installer through Arc games or Steam.